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    Ensemble, c'est tout

    Total score  8.3

    Rated by 173 users. Scroll down to read reviews.

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    10 - A masterpiece, go, see it now
    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
    8 - Great movie, don't miss it
    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
    2 - Very bad, forget about it
    1 - Worst ever, avoid at all costs

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    Average ratings

    Age   1-12 13-17 18-25 26-35 36-49 50+ Total

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    User reviews

    It's a quintessentially French tale. The most surprising aspect for me was the blend of social classes all living in the same building, which is quite unusual considering our way of life. I struggled to stay focused as the story lacked action, but Audrey Tautou's performance was captivating. Overall, the film leaves a gentle, pleasant impression. I'm not familiar with the original novel by Anna Gavalda that inspired this story.

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    h2o_@  16.2.2020 age: 50+ 2,423 reviews

    A film a bit rushed but with a good premise and some very good acting including Audrey Tatou! There is a subtext in the film about one's folks who are getting on in years. This is an adult film for persons who like to ponder important themes more than just watch rubbish on the screen.

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    pietroantoni@  29.10.2016 age: 36-49 15,177 reviews

    This movie was categorized under "comedies" at my video store, but it really belonged with the dramas. It's actually more of a waste of time than anything else. Absolutely nothing happens in the film. All it does is showcase the (poor) temperament of French people throughout.

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    zygoto78@  22.10.2011 age: 26-35 351 reviews

    I absolutely adored this film! It stays very true to the book, capturing all the essential elements in my view. (Adapting a hefty book down to the finest details is no easy feat.) The actors portray the characters exactly as I envisioned them - Franck (Guillaume Canet) delivers a stellar performance, as does Camille (Audrey Tautou), per usual. The actor playing Philibert is a delightful find, evoking just as much, if not more, attachment than his literary counterpart. And what can I say about Paulette?! A truly moving performance that does justice to the novel. This is a film to watch and rewatch. My only gripe would be the dim lighting in some scenes, which occasionally makes it hard to see what's happening.

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    dominique.thibault@  18.7.2010 age: 13-17   1st review

    A good movie with surprising quality, though I've seen better.

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    jacques31@  28.4.2010 age: 1-12 36 reviews

    I adored this film! Having read the book, I think the movie is a fantastic adaptation. My boyfriend thought it was just okay, though... maybe it resonates more with women? Personally, I found it utterly charming, and it ranks among my all-time favorites.

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    calumtia@  27.2.2010 age: 36-49 12 reviews

    The movie adaptation of Anna Gavalda's beautiful story doesn't quite do justice to her wonderful novel - the edges have been smoothed out, so to speak. The core elements are still there, and anyone who has read the book will know what I mean. At the same time, though, several important details (especially towards the end) have been glossed over. That said, it's not a bad film - I'm just influenced by my knowledge of the book, and... even though I really enjoyed it, I would have preferred a more robust, substantial movie. I give the film a 6, but I'll add an extra point to balance out the interest compared to the novel: 7/10.

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    kaprikorne@  27.2.2010 age: 50+ 2,275 reviews

    My girlfriend was the one who wanted to see this movie, and by agreeing to it, I thought I was doing her a favor. But in the end, after watching it, I was really glad I had seen the film. That said, if you're not generally a fan of French cinema, this might not be the movie for you.

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    simonbesner@  5.8.2008 age: 26-35 28 reviews

    The movie doesn't live up to the book. A lot of scenes were cut short or completely removed. If you're looking for a good time, you're better off reading the book, which is 10 times better.

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    m4a_ud@  12.5.2008 age: 13-17 5 reviews

    Even though the movie doesn't quite match the brilliance of the book, I'm giving it a perfect score. That's because the book is my absolute favorite and I've fallen in love with the writing of the author, Anna Gavalda. You should definitely watch the movie, but more importantly, you must read the book!

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    elsie112@  7.4.2008 age: 18-25   1st review

    A lovely film without many surprises, but with strong performances from the entire cast. The grandmother in particular shines in her supporting role.

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    daniel.gignac@  16.2.2008 age: 50+ 390 reviews

    Amusing, likable, and enjoyable.

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    kamelot-metal@  6.2.2008 age: 18-25 44 reviews

    Even though two actors I really like were in the cast (Canet and Tautou), I thought this movie was just okay...

    HelpfulNot helpful  Reply
    jpflip@  28.1.2008 age: 50+ 2,107 reviews

    This is the best book I've ever read, and for once, the film adaptation actually worked!

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    lauvely-@  10.1.2008 age: 13-17   1st review

    The movie tells a believable and realistic story, but it's incredibly ordinary and predictable, with a happy ending.

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    robert.dufour@  19.10.2007 age: 50+ 52 reviews

    A simple yet engaging film that explores the evolution of friendships into romantic relationships. It's well-crafted and quite captivating, particularly for those who feel a bit lonely...

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    firetrax@  8.10.2007 age: 36-49 79 reviews

    I was fortunate enough to catch this movie in Paris. I enjoyed it so much that I went to see it again in Montreal. Audrey Toutou is at her finest. It's an unpretentious and deeply human film.

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    cormierj@  28.9.2007 age: 50+ 15 reviews

    I absolutely loved this movie - it's just as wonderful as the book, if not more so. I highly recommend it to anyone who's a hopeless romantic at heart.

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    nathmarc@  15.9.2007 age: 36-49 2 reviews

    An enjoyable film for fans of heartwarming tales. While I'm not usually fond of French cinema, this one provided a nice experience. Tautou and Canet delivered strong performances.

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    nathalie@  15.9.2007 age: 36-49 5 reviews

    This was fantastic! I really loved it!

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    caca-kipu@  21.8.2007 age: 1-12   1st review

    The script doesn't capture the important nuances from the novel, which is often the case. But it's still an enjoyable movie, and since there aren't many French films we can say that about, it's worth checking out.

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    marni@  19.8.2007 age: 50+ 52 reviews

    A touching and moving film that's worth watching, even though it doesn't entirely stay true to the novel. A lovely adaptation!

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    shawkins@  13.8.2007 age: 26-35 3 reviews

    A wonderful, sensitive and beautiful film. The actors deliver subtle and intelligent performances in a touching story full of emotional restraint, yet joyful and profound at the same time. A truly happy experience that leaves you feeling good, with countless images from your own life story coming to mind as the film unfolds. This is the kind of beautiful cinema we wish we could see more often - a truly great film without question. Françoise Bertin is especially moving, and Guillaume Canet, Audrey Tautou, Laurent Stocker and the entire cast give touching, beautiful performances. Add to that impeccable cinematography and a perfectly fitting score... We went to see it on a whim and came out changed. Watching this film is like receiving a beautiful gift. Thank you, Mr. Berri!

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    jf.cottier@  12.8.2007 age: 36-49   1st review

    Such a moving film, with fully-realized, relatable characters!

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    georgesouellet@  11.8.2007 age: 26-35 17 reviews

    A heartwarming film that's perfect for a lovely night in.

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    jf7756@  9.8.2007 age: 26-35 11 reviews

    I thought this movie was wonderful! The way it portrays people helping each other and the human values it celebrates... Sadly, we don't see enough of that in today's performance-driven world...

    HelpfulNot helpful  Reply
    friedlish@  5.8.2007 age: 36-49 43 reviews

    I was really excited to watch the movie... I thoroughly enjoyed the book... I really liked how they adapted it, it turned out well... But unfortunately for me, I kept comparing the movie to the book the whole time... If you enjoyed the film... I highly recommend you go out and get the book it's based on, along with the author's two other books...

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    shirleycdn@  3.8.2007 age: 36-49 9 reviews

    A charming, down-to-earth film. Tautou is excellent as always...

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    npelletier1974@  30.7.2007 age: 26-35 7 reviews

    The movie's runtime is too short to do the story justice, and the characters feel underdeveloped. Still, it's a charming love story with likable actors that makes it enjoyable to watch.

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    davz@  29.7.2007 age: 26-35 3 reviews

    ENSEMBLE, C'EST TOUT This romantic drama, written and directed by Claude Berri (Jean de Florette, Germinal), is remarkable for its simplicity - a rare quality in cinema. Beautiful, understated images introduce us to four characters from different walks of life, who find themselves brought together and pulled apart by life's circumstances. Each character is well-developed, allowing us to witness the changes brought about by life's events. This takes us back to universal human values that are impossible to escape: the need for companionship, friendship, love, and fulfillment. The performances by Guillaume Canet and Audrey Tautou are excellent, despite Tautou's somewhat frail appearance. A silent role, a true rarity in cinema, is also noteworthy. Overall, this is a very good film - simple, refreshing, and intimate.

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    g318_m258@  27.7.2007 age: 50+ 216 reviews

    A movie that restores your faith and inspires you to be kind and compassionate towards others, without being overly sentimental. You leave the theater feeling uplifted and ready to take on life... A truly lovely film.

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    cathray@  27.7.2007 age: 50+ 2 reviews

    What is this movie all about?? Honestly, it's a total waste of time - the editing is amateurish, the storyline is all over the place, and you're left feeling like a ping-pong ball being bounced around. Guys, if your girlfriend suggests watching this, do yourself a favor and turn it down - you'll save20. Trust me on this one.

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    sweet_asia@  27.7.2007 age: 13-17   1st review

    I read Anna Gavalda's book last year, and it was great to see the characters come to life through Audrey Tautou, Guillaume Canet, Françoise Bertin, and others. The cast played their roles beautifully, capturing the spirit of friendship, kindness, and humor that I adore in a movie. Hopefully, it'll have a long run in theaters.

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    gazelle3031@  26.7.2007 age: 50+   1st review

    I really enjoyed this story. The characters are truly lovable. It also made me want to read the book.

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    katmiow@  26.7.2007 age: 26-35   1st review

    This film, while interesting, captures the essence of the novel but leaves some plot points unresolved. The changes made from the book to the screen lessen the impact. The characters are endearing, especially Philibert and Franck, though Camille, portrayed by Audrey Tautou, is less so.

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    sylvie.t@  25.7.2007 age: 26-35 13 reviews

    This is a brilliant, smart, and refreshing film that radiates warmth and simplicity while showing great affection. It beautifully portrays the connections between the older and younger generations. The movie also highlights the challenges faced by today's youth and their role in society. With magnificent, fresh, and realistic dialogue, it's a must-see for people of all ages, young and old alike.

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    lise.cloutier@  25.7.2007 age: 50+   1st review

    I absolutely loved it!

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    maried5@  24.7.2007 age: 26-35   1st review

    I absolutely adored this movie. It's a true hidden treasure that's a joy to behold.

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    jeff_737@  23.7.2007 age: 26-35 2 reviews

    Audrey Tautou encore une fois est insurpassable Bravo...

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    jbrouillet@  22.7.2007 age: 50+   1st review

    A wonderful French film with believable, well-developed characters and a solid plot. Tautou and Canet deliver nuanced performances.

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    hennekensy@  22.7.2007 age: 36-49   1st review

    Don't waste10 on this movie - it's not worth it! After an hour, I was thinking, "Is anything ever going to happen?" The story was so mundane, just everyday life. And Philibert annoyed me the entire time! This movie really wasn't for me, even though I usually love French films...

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    annemassicotte@  22.7.2007 age: 36-49 3 reviews

    A wonderful, heartwarming film that provides comfort and hope about life's journey. The music is lovely, and the scenery is breathtaking. This movie is a must-watch for any true cinephile.

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    caroletrempe@  22.7.2007 age: 36-49 2 reviews

    This is a great movie, but the book it's based on is even better, with a more in-depth story. The cast delivers strong performances, and the scenery is just as you'd imagine. Anna Gavalda is an author worth reading.

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    michell@  21.7.2007 age: 50+ 8 reviews

    Audrey Tautou is exceptional. This movie should really be seen by everyone who has an aging parent.

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    gison211@  21.7.2007   1st review

    I absolutely loved it! The acting was superb.

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    de591465@  21.7.2007 age: 26-35 2 reviews

    Hey everyone... I had given up on French movies because there wasn't anything good anymore... But this movie is a great accomplishment - light, fresh, and above all, genuine... Go check it out, it's definitely worth it - a great film!

    HelpfulNot helpful  Reply
    skydoll83@  20.7.2007 age: 18-25 8 reviews

    I thoroughly enjoyed this film. It's refreshing, moving, and sensitive - the perfect pick-me-up for a gloomy day or whenever you need a reason to smile.

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    neige134@  20.7.2007 age: 36-49   1st review

    This movie is fantastic! I began reading the book and thoroughly enjoyed it. The casting is spot-on and the story is incredibly moving. It's a wonderful film about love and friendship that you absolutely must see.

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    blinken2000@  20.7.2007 age: 26-35 10 reviews

    This movie really resonated with me as I'm going through a similar situation, questioning the assisted living arrangement we chose for our mother who has Alzheimer's. After watching it, I have a better understanding of why I feel uneasy about it. It makes me feel less alone in thinking this way. The film really hit home for me...

    HelpfulNot helpful  Reply
    helenestcyr@  20.7.2007 age: 50+   1st review

    One of the best movies I've seen in ages. Refreshing, lighthearted, and humorous at points. You walk out of the theater feeling uplifted and smiling. It's a film that renews your faith in humanity. It also inspires you to check out Anna Gavalda's novels.

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    isalameilleure@  18.7.2007 age: 26-35 11 reviews

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    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
    8 - Great movie, don't miss it
    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
    2 - Very bad, forget about it
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